A settlement reached to resolve False Claims Act Allegations against a South Miami Hospital.
The allegations involve procedures and studies performed by Dr. John R. Dylewski since at least 2007 at South Miami Hospital. According to the complaint, Dr. Dylewski treated thousands of patients, many of them elderly patients that were subjected to “invasive, improper, unjustified, medically unnecessary” procedures to treat cardiac arrhythmias.
According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the procedures included echocardiograms, electrophysiology studies, head upright title tests, and electronic device implementation.
Allegedly, Dr. Dylewski, South Miami Hospital and Baptist Health submitted false claims to Medicare and other federally funded health programs for the procedures.
These allegations were brought forward by two whistleblowers, Dr. James A. Burks, a surgeon and medical doctor at South Miami Hospital and Dr. James D. Davenport a cardiologist and medical doctor who participated in peer review committees at the hospital.
The whistleblowers' share of the settlement will be $2.7 million.